Sunday, December 15, 2013


For the first time ever on KEYS FOR KIDDOS I used both Bosworth and Corky in the same skit.

This KEYS FOR KIDDOS skit is about the importance of keeping your promise. 


The Harmony Key Kids Really  to Ca- caw caw caw Crow. Bosworth has promised to come and crow with the Harmony Key kids but doesn't show up.



Corky arrives and reveals that last time he saw Bosworth he was playing hide and go beak with his magpie cousins up in the rafters of the Harmony Key Theatre. The kids are so disappointed.  Corky attempts to make them happy by crowing with them but being  a Cowboy who Yeehaawws it just isn't right--

Mr. Phil spots Bosworth and he and Corky go and get him bringing him back to the Kids so they can all crow as was promised. Mr. Phil lectures Bosworth on the importance of keeping your word. Bosworth apologizes for not keeping his promise.

The Harmony Key kids have their cowbells ready for Corky and his Yeehaw calls!

All's well that ends well. Bosworth apologizes and learns his lesson about keeping his promise. Then the Harmony Key kids and Bosworth crow!



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